Saturday, January 31, 2015

How good posture can affect your health

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Posture, in simple terms, is how your body is positioned while standing, sitting or lying down. And it can be a good indicator of a person’s state of health.

When a person has bad posture, there is increased pressure on the spine and other supporting muscles and ligaments, causing tension, soreness, pain, and fatigue. Overall health and efficiency may be compromised, which may lead to problems with digestion, elimination, breathing, and muscles. Someone with a bad posture often feels tired and lethargic, and is unable to work or move properly. Accidents, obesity, emotional difficulties, negative self-image, occupational stress, poor sleep support, and weak muscles are just some of the factors that contribute to bad posture.

Meanwhile, good posture means that your bones are properly aligned to your muscles, where stress is distributed evenly to the intended muscles. This decreases joint wear and tear, prevents muscle strain and fatigue, allows the body to use energy more efficiently, and lessens the likelihood of injury. It can also relieve stress, enhance your appearance, and increase self-confidence.

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Here are some tips to correct posture:

• When sitting – Use a foot rest if your feet don’t reach the floor. Avoid crossing your legs. Relax your shoulders and keep your forearms parallel to the ground. Do not sit in the same position for long periods of time.

• When standing – Increase your balance by keeping your head high, chin forward, shoulders back, chest out, and stomach in. Keep your knees slightly bent and shift your weight if you have to stand for a long time.

• When sleeping or lying down – Avoid thick pillows under your head when sleeping on your back to keep your head and spine aligned. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Improving posture requires discipline and determination. It is also highly recommended to visit the nearest chiropractor for checkups and evaluation. The benefits will be well worth the effort.

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Learn more about the benefits of good posture by following this Dr. George Gertner Facebook page.

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