Saturday, January 31, 2015

How good posture can affect your health

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Posture, in simple terms, is how your body is positioned while standing, sitting or lying down. And it can be a good indicator of a person’s state of health.

When a person has bad posture, there is increased pressure on the spine and other supporting muscles and ligaments, causing tension, soreness, pain, and fatigue. Overall health and efficiency may be compromised, which may lead to problems with digestion, elimination, breathing, and muscles. Someone with a bad posture often feels tired and lethargic, and is unable to work or move properly. Accidents, obesity, emotional difficulties, negative self-image, occupational stress, poor sleep support, and weak muscles are just some of the factors that contribute to bad posture.

Meanwhile, good posture means that your bones are properly aligned to your muscles, where stress is distributed evenly to the intended muscles. This decreases joint wear and tear, prevents muscle strain and fatigue, allows the body to use energy more efficiently, and lessens the likelihood of injury. It can also relieve stress, enhance your appearance, and increase self-confidence.

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Here are some tips to correct posture:

• When sitting – Use a foot rest if your feet don’t reach the floor. Avoid crossing your legs. Relax your shoulders and keep your forearms parallel to the ground. Do not sit in the same position for long periods of time.

• When standing – Increase your balance by keeping your head high, chin forward, shoulders back, chest out, and stomach in. Keep your knees slightly bent and shift your weight if you have to stand for a long time.

• When sleeping or lying down – Avoid thick pillows under your head when sleeping on your back to keep your head and spine aligned. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Improving posture requires discipline and determination. It is also highly recommended to visit the nearest chiropractor for checkups and evaluation. The benefits will be well worth the effort.

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Learn more about the benefits of good posture by following this Dr. George Gertner Facebook page.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

REPOST: Chiropractic care may help solve some babies’ health issues

Parents will do everything just to see their child healthy and happy.  Suzanne Shaw, a mother from Denver, experienced firsthand the benefits of chiropractic care on her baby. This article has the details.

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DENVER — I covered this story as I do all stories, as a journalist: fair, unbiased, presenting both sides.

But just know that I am a mom, whose newborn spent the first four months a miserable mess. We tried everything and nothing helped. We were sleep deprived and at wits end. Until someone turned us onto an idea that is growing in popularity. A chiropractor for babies.

When you think of chiropractors, you think of cracking and twisting and adults. But more and more parents are turning to chiropractors for babies suffering from everything from colic, to digestive problems, to ear infections. We took a look at this age old practice that is an alternative for parents.

What’s wrong with the baby? There is nothing more heartbreaking or frustrating as a parent than not being able to figure out what is wrong with your baby. Denver mom, Suzanne Shaw said, “It was horrifying experience as a parent … and exhausting and tiring and you felt so sad because you didn’t know what you could do to help him so it was just heartbreaking to see your kid on that much pain.”

Her son, Michael had a double ear infection when he was 2 years old.

Three rounds of medication didn’t work and Suzanne was at the end of her rope. She said, “I’m like I will try anything at this point, wits end, he was in excruciating pain not good for a two-year-old.”

At first, she thought the idea of a chiropractor for such a young child was crazy, but she gave it a try. After just two adjustments, green and yellow ooze came out of Michael’s ear.

She said it was the infection coming out of his body. “Sure enough, off all the meds, fever was gone, no more crying … back to be normal 2-year-old.” And Michael remembers the adjustment was quick and painless. He said, “He like puts this thing on your spine, clicks it. When he starts to push it, it goes like dut dut dut dut.”

No medical problem necessary Some parents don’t wait for a medical problem. Anicka Coradyn Olsen has been bringing her baby girl to see Dr. Greg Mortimer since she was a newborn.

Olsen said, “I just wanted to start off on the right foot. I think it is such a benefit and it is so encouraging for a parent’s heart. When you know your child is fussy or upset or colicky and you can come and do something that isn’t medicine or giving her something and she feels better.”

Dr. Greg has been in practice for 22 years. He treats everyone from professional athletes to kids and even babies.

Dr. Greg said, “They are so cute, and they don’t whine as much as their parents. They just say I want to feel better … and I know I can help them.” The whole process is extremely gentle. He said, “It’s like giving them a hug, not even that hard a hug.”

As parents of a colicky, fussy, inconsolable and miserable baby, we finally decided to take our 4-month-old baby girl to see Dr. Greg.

He noticed right away that she was able to look all the way over her right shoulder, but she was not able to turn her head to the left. After the first adjustment, our baby girl was much more flexible, less fussy and we noticed she started sleeping better. Dr. Greg said, “Now she can move her head right and left equally … she has so much less tension in her body.”

But Dr. Greg warns this isn’t to help babies sleep better, but he believes if he can make them more comfortable, better sleep may be a result. He said, “It’s to take stress out of her little body. So her body works better. So her body will normalize.”

But not everyone agrees this is the right way to treat babies.

Dr. Steven Perry with Cherry Creek Pediatrics is on the board of the Colorado Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

He said, “The problem is a lot of it is anecdotal. There’s not a lot of evidence.” And Dr. Perry says one of his main concerns is misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis with a child being treated by a chiropractor instead of a pediatrician.

“We had a colleague who had a baby treated by a chiropractor who actually had meningitis that was going to chiropractor. It had a serious outcome. That worries me more than anything.”

Dr. Greg Mortimer has spent years trying to educate parents about chiropractics for kids and he knows there are skeptics. But he said, “Skeptics are the best. If I can get them into my office, once I convert them, they sing it from the rooftops. They witness that it’s not some hocus pocus witch craft. It’s just a very basic gentle adjustment of the spine that makes a world of difference.”

Just another option for parents to consider, because there is nothing better than seeing your baby happy and healthy.

Founder of Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York, Dr. George Gertner knows how to safely and effectively treat conditions such as back pain using the latest chiropractic techniques. Follow this Twitter account for the latest updates in chiropractic care. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

REPOST: Chiropractic Care Could Help With Existing Health Problems

Not many people turn to chiropractic care to make their aches and pains heal. However, this article from Huffington Post discusses the benefits of chiropractic care to a number of existing health problems.

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Chiropractic treatment for health problems is not always considered when it comes to healing, but you may be surprised to find that relief from some of most chronic pains could be helped by a few chiropractic sessions.

As an alternative form of medical treatment, chiropractic care is generally geared towards helping patients with back, neck and joint pain. Dr. Hamza Saif, an Ottawa-based chiropractor at the Hunt Chiropractic Clinic, says the treatment can also improve symptoms and effects of common illnesses to improve overall quality of life.

“While we don’t claim to cure organic diseases, we can improve the quality of life of patients dealing with them,” said Saif.

Saif gives the example of asthma, which often causes mid-back pain due to constant coughing. Chiropractors can’t cure asthma, but they can relieve the back and muscle pain caused by it, he says.

According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, the treatment is gradually gaining popularity. The association reports that 53 per cent of Canadians had visited a chiropractor for treatment at some point in their lives in 2009, compared to 49 per cent in 2005.

Even as it gains popularity, there is pushback to the alternative treatment by medical doctors and patients alike, who say there is little medical evidence for chiropractic solutions. One of the major risks often associated with chiropractic care is the potential for increasing the risk of strokes. However, a study published by the European Spine Journal in 2008, found that there were no links between the two.

Saif says much of the controversy surrounding chiropractic treatment is often due to a lack of education, especially in older doctors who weren’t formally taught it in medical school (chiropractors get their degrees at separate chiropractic colleges).

“The best place to start is a consultation with a licensed chiropractor. Skeptical people are usually the ones who haven’t seen a chiropractor.”

As Dr. Saif mentioned, chiropractic treatments won't cure anything, but they might able to work in conjunction with other medical care to help. Check out these ailments that have been found to benefit from a chiropractor:

According to, a number of studies have proved that chiropractic treatment can lower the frequency and pain intensity of migraines.

Cerebral Palsy:
Individuals with cerebral palsy often have “dysfunctional muscles”, which cause other muscles to work extra and strain. Chiropractic treatment can help reduce stress on these muscles, says Saif.

Parkinson’s Disease: While it’s unknown exactly what causes this disease, studies have linked it to accidents causing head traumas and spinal misalignments, according to Chiropractic treatments can correct these misalignments and remove pressure on surrounding nerves.

Arthritis Pain Relief: Saif says most people over 50-years-old have some signs of joint degeneration, which causes pain and stiffness. Chiropractic adjustments can help joints feel less sore so they move more freely.

High Blood Pressure: According to Saif, studies have shown that just one chiropractic session can keep blood pressure lowered for several weeks. He recommends seeing a NUCCA specialist, a specific type of chiropractor that deals with upper neck adjustments.

Cancer Pain Relief:
The effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy can often leave patients feeling extreme fatigue and soreness to the point they are bedridden. With chiropractic adjustments, some of this pain can be relieved so they have a better quality of life. says Saif.

Strengthen Immune System:
While there is little research to prove this, Saif says studies are being done to prove what many patients already feel. Regular chiropractic patients often report better overall immune systems and wellness levels.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome often feel itching, burning or soreness in parts of their body, after doing constant, repetitive movements. Chiropractors can help by providing posture-related advice, suggesting stretches and doing adjustments, says Saif.

Reduce Anxiety And Depression: Although chiropractic care doesn’t claim to treat the physiological effects of these mental illnesses, Saif says it can help with physical effects such as lethargy, which often causes soreness and pain, worsening physiological problems.

Learn more about the benefits of chiropractic techniques by following this Dr. George Gertner Facebook page.

Friday, October 17, 2014

REPOST: Migraines: A Bigger Problem Than We Think?

People who suffer from migraines are often misdiagnosed according to this article from American News Report.

If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you tend not to forget the pain.

According to, the number of people who suffer from migraines is considerable: 37 million people suffer from migraines in the United States alone.

We had a recent discussion with Dr. Andrew Charles, who is Director of the Headache Research and Treatment Program at UCLA. He thinks the number of migraine sufferers is higher, and the migraines are often attributed to something else.

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“99% of sinus headaches, much of neck pain and a considerable amount of fibromyalgia pain may, in reality, be migraines,” Charles told us.

Dr. Charles’ statement was underscored in a recent survey of over 2,400 women with chronic pain by National Pain Report. In that readers survey, which had the largest response that we’ve had, over one-third of the women (34%) said they suffered from migraines.

Studies show that three times as many women suffer from migraines as men. Hormonal fluctuations are thought to be a major “trigger” of migraines.

But men suffer too.

“I love having a cup of coffee in the morning and a drink before dinner,” a friend who is a 30-year migraine sufferer explained to me. “I mostly avoid them because I know that both of those are possible triggers for me.”

Elizabeth Loder, MD, is co-author of the “Migraine Solution”. In an online discussion at, she shared with a patient the importance of understanding triggers, but also acknowledged that knowing them and avoiding them doesn’t mean the migraine won’t still come on.

“Your comment about food triggers reminds me that most people with migraine do notice things in the environment that can affect the chance they will have a headache. Most of the time, however, even if they are careful to avoid these things, they will still get some headaches,” Dr. Loder wrote.

“I think that is because for most people who are susceptible to migraine there are usually many different things that can trigger a headache — not just a single thing — and some of those things are not obvious or avoidable.”.

Generally the onset of a migraine may be preceded by mood changes, fatigue, mental fuzziness and fluid retention. This so-called “common migraine” can persist three of four days depending on treatment. Some are preceded by a visual aura which presents as a flickering jagged line, usually at the side of the visual field. Either type of migraine may also be accompanied by nasal congestion, tearing, and sinus pain or pressure.

The American Migraine Foundation reports that migraine costs the United States more than $20 billion each year. Those costs count both direct medical costs and indirect expenses like missed work and lost productivity.

Dr. George Gertner is the founder of Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York, a clinic that offers chiropractic procedure called the NUCCA technique. Follow this Twitter page to know more about the company. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

New study sheds light on the mechanisms of fibromyalgia

A study published in the September online edition of Arthritis & Rheumatism provides new information on the mechanisms of fibromyalgia.

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Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic, body-wide pain, muscle tenderness, and fatigue, affects more than five million Americans. The cause is yet to be known, and there is no cure. However, treatment can help alleviate its symptoms.

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The study used magnetic resonance imaging to measure blood flow changes in the brains and assess the responses of the study participants, a group composed of 35 women with the condition and a control group of 25 women without the condition, to non-painful stimulation. Researchers asked the groups to perform a variety of simple motor tasks, and exposed them to different colors and tones.

In the control group, the parts of the brain that are responsible for interpreting visual, motor, and auditory signals were activated significantly, while in the fibromyalgia group, areas of the brain that are not responsible for processing these signals were activated.

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The results seem to suggest that people with fibromyalgia do not just over-process pain-related signals; their brains also seem to misprocess certain types of signals that are actually non-painful.

The study has added more weight to the theory that fibromyalgia could be rooted in problems in the central nervous system. According to the study's lead author Marina Lopez-Sola of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder, understanding the mechanism might help them explore newer and more effective forms of treatment.

Dr. George Gertner is a chiropractor from White Plains, New York. For articles on health and disease prevention and management, susbcribe to this blog.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

REPOST: Lighten the load: Watch the weight of school backpacks warn doctors, parents

In the article below, Carolyn Kimmel of discusses how a heavy backpack can contribute to poor posture and possibly cause severe back pain.

Cristina Speicher makes sure her daughter's backpack can zip around the heavy load she will carry to school this fall. (Carolyn Kimmel, Special to PennLive) | Image Source:

As a baggage handler for an airline, Cristina Speicher expects to heft around heavy suitcases.

What the Dillsburg mom didn't expect was the weight she felt when she picked up her high-school-aged son's backpack last year.

"He only had two textbooks in there and the rest was folders and I thought it was too heavy," Speicher, 39, said. "He doesn't have time between classes to stop at his locker so he carries it with him all day. He doesn't think it's heavy, but I do."

Speicher also has two middle school-aged daughters whose backpacks are too heavy for her liking, but her pleas to get them to lighten the load fall on deaf ears. They aren't allowed to carry their backpacks to classes and get locker stops throughout the day, but they still have to carry the heavy packs to and from home and school, she said.

To help in any way she can, Speicher makes sure to buy backpacks that are durable and well-made, even if they cost more.

"My rule is the book bag has to zip shut. If it's lightweight and you pack too much in, it rips when you zip it," she said.

Risk for back, posture problems

On a long list of back-to-school supplies that includes anything from mechanical pencils to trappers and folders, one item deserving of more attention is a backpack.

Choosing the right backpack – and using it correctly – can have health implications that could last far beyond the notebooks and supplies it carries.

"Backpacks have been shown in research to pose risks to children's health from repetitious use," saidDr. Christine Curran of Cornerstone Chiropractic in Dillsburg. Studies have shown nearly three-quarters of children who use backpacks report having back pain, she said.

In addition to back pain, wearing a heavy backpack can lead to unhealthy posture changes, aggravation of other underlying back issues and increased potential for falling due to changes in how children balance with heavy weight on their backs, Curran said.

Scoliosis, an irregular curvature of the spine that can become more serious as a child gets older, is not caused or made worse by heavy backpacks, said Dr. Cynthia Elsner, a pediatrician with Hummelstown-based Pediatric Associates, which is a member of PinnacleHealth Medical Group.

"The most common problem would be back pain,'' Elsner said. "A lot of kids do complain of back pain, but it's usually sports-related."

Elsner added that a heavy backpack could aggravate sports-related back pain.

A history of back problems makes Monaghan Township resident Tammy Whitaker, 41, more aware of her children's heavy backpacks. She has spondylolisthesis, which is displacement of the vertebra.

"Spondylolisthesis can be hereditary and is usually not noticed unless another injury has occurred.  With this being hereditary, I worry about my children developing it especially carrying the weight of their backpacks through school all day and home on the bus," she said.

Last year, her 15-year-old son, Cordell, was having back problems and had to do physical therapy because the muscles in his back were so tight.

"I found out after this that he carries every subject in his backpack all day all year because his locker is not convenient to where his classes are," she said. "I do not know for sure if the heavy backpack caused the back problems, but I am sure it didn't help."

According to a study published in the Journal of School Health, greater relative backpack weight is associated with complaints of upper– and mid–back pain and also with lost school time, lost school sports time, and greater chiropractic utilization.

Still, Curran said, using a backpack is preferable to other carrying bag options, if the backpack is used correctly.

Shop smart, wear it right

The first step is buying the proper one for your child's size.

"Make sure the pack is a good size for your child. The lower part of the pack should rest in the lower back area with padded shoulder straps that are tightened appropriately," Curran said.

Then, make sure your kids wear the pack correctly, doctors said.

"Our bodies are meant to do things symmetrically when it comes to carrying things on our backs," said Dr. James Mosher, pediatrician with JDC Pediatrics in Mechanicsburg. "Kids should always use both shoulder straps and place heavier items close to the center of the back that's the center of gravity."

At the store, he advises choosing a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps, a waist strap, a padded back and one that is light-weight.

Just as important as the backpack is what goes into it – and less is definitely better.

"As a rule, a backpack should never be more than 10 to 20 percent of a child's body weight," Mosher said. "Anything heavier can cause muscle injury, pain and strain."

Curran suggests that parents keep the pack at 10 percent or less of the child's weight – and monitor the weight weekly.

"Heavy packs have been shown to decrease disc height in the lower back in children," she said. "One study showed that, of 1,403 school children analyzed, 61.4 percent had backpacks exceeding 10 percent of their body weight. Those carrying the heaviest backpacks had a 50 percent higher risk of back pain. Girls presented a higher risk of back pain compared with boys."

Enlist school's help

Curran advises parents to ask their child's school for a second set of textbooks to be kept at home if the child is repeatedly carrying home books.

"Parents who have requested this note for children under care in my office have always had an easy time obtaining that set of books," she said.

Pat Franko, principal at Dillsburg Elementary School, said the trend is toward electronic text books, which reduces the load that kids carry back and forth from school to home.

"I only had one parent throughout my tenure as principal who brought it up to me as an issue for her son,'' Franko said. "We resolved it by assuring that he had access to the books online or that he completed any work for which a book was needed at school so he didn't have to carry the heavy books home."

Parents should pay attention to signs that they need to check their child's pack, such as trouble getting the pack on and off easily, abnormal posture due to leaning to one side or head leading in front of the body while wearing the backpack, Curran said.

Although packs with wheels are an alternative, Curran said she doesn't recommend them.

"Some parents think this is the answer to a heavy backpack,'' she said. "But the child must still hoist the pack up and down multiple times daily, adding another repetitive stressor."

For more information on chiropractic care, visit this Dr. George Gertner blog.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chiropractic care for animals

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Chiropractic therapy involves the manipulation of the spine to alleviate symptoms of pain related to the central nervous system. People have been going to chiropractors for many years to help relieve back or neck pain, or to enhance general wellness. Athletes, in general, find chiropractic useful as it provides an alternative avenue for physical therapy. But can the same manipulation of joints work with animals? Some chiropractors seem to think so.

For instance, Dr. Chelsey Giardina of Portersville, Pennsylvania, has begun offering chiropractic therapy to dogs, cats, and horses. The business, though still quite new, has expanded because of the positive feedback she has received from her customers. Most of her “clients” (as they were) are old sports animals, particularly race horses that are arthritic or have orthopedic injuries. Treating around 40 animals per week, Dr. Giardina says that her services save customers expensive bills from veterinarians.

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This may spark a trend among animal owners who are looking for natural and alternative ways in treating their pets. The practice is similar to that of humans, with the chiropractor applying pressure on specific areas and manipulating the joints and spine to help relieve pain. Naturally, for larger animals such as horses, the technique will differ slightly to accommodate them. So far, the feedback for the practice has been generally positive, with only time telling whether this will be as mainstream as human chiropractic care. Chiropractic care for animals is legal, as long as the practitioner is also a veterinarian.

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Dr. George Gertner is the founder of Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York (UCC-NY), which specializes in the NUCCA technique, a gentle chiropractic procedure. Learn more about his practice by liking this Facebook page.